Things I Did When My Internet Was Down
My internet went down for nearly a day!!!! (What a drama) and here's what I did.
- Cried.
- Panicked because I'd have hours of Instagram scrolling to do.
- Actually spoke to my siblings because we had to.
- Discovered that Flakes (the chocolate bar that you get in your 99 ice creams, although 99 is a lie. They are no longer that priced and are stupidly overpriced when I could go to Tesco and buy a 2L tub of ice cream for two quid) don't melt. I repeat, Flakes do not melt. Put a Flake in the microwave and watch it get hot and burn, but hell no, it won't melt like normal Cadbury's chocolate. Are you noting how bored I was without Internet? This is like a scientific break-through.
- I cried again.
- Board games. Actually played board games with my siblings, or rather we argued over who was winning and who was cheating. FYI I'm not a cheater.
- I had to listen to consistent moaning that "life is boring" without Internet connection. Damn the 21st century obsession with WiFi, Internet and social media.
- Cried one last time before triumphantly cheering when the wireless router was resurrected.