Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov | A Book Review (Contains spoilers)
I loved her hopelessly? That she was only fourteen?”
Lolita tells the story of a 30 something man Humbert
who's obsession both mentally and sexually with young girl Lolita
leads to murder. The story is told by Humbert himself recalling
events of his life from the confinements of a “psychopathic ward”.
He writes in a mixture of 1st and 3rd person
narrative his point of view of his adult life and personally
directing his audience as “you readers” in what he calls a
“sinister memoir”.
Humbert born in France in 1910, his story begins with
his mother's death when Humbert was just three. The story enfolds his
first love; Annabel, a surprise but a female actually his own age.
“My little Annabel was no nymphet to me; I was her equal” As
Humbert grows into an adult, readers see his passion for young girls
develop, from prying in public places and through use of sexualized
poetic language and descriptions “her lips as red as red
licked candy”. The story
prevails and Humbert finds himself a lodger in the home of widowed
Mrs Haze.
This is where the plot
thickens and becomes a complex novel about sex, sexual attraction and
murder. Humbert meets the daughter of Mrs Haze, Lolita. Instantly as
Lolita enters the story, she becomes an object of his desire, he
sexualizes the young girl through his vivid descriptions of her
“school girl thighs”. A
relationship forms between himself and Lolita, almost one that mimics
a real father/daughter relationship. Lolita is a problem child for
her mother, but Humbert sees past her opinions.
After receiving a
letter from Mrs Haze, Humbert makes the decision to marry her in a
bid to get closer to Lolita. Not only does he reveal himself as a
sexual predator but he constructs plans to murder Charlotte (Mrs
Haze). He ends up drugging his victims (Another crime) after falsely
receiving a prescription for sleeping pills for his 'insomnia'.
Humbert keeps a black pocket diary locked away recording his
scribblings about life, however Charlotte discovers it!
The discovery
ultimately leads to her ever so unfortunate death. On her way to post
letters, she's struck by a car and dies! Humbert claims Lolita is his
daughter, takes her out of her summer camp and embarks on an
adventure around the States, telling her simply that her mother in
undergoing a major operation until later on she discovers the harsh
two of
the novel details their adventures from motel to motel. Vladimir uses
powerful descriptive language through listing places and locations,
alliteration that flows so poetically “pharisaic
parody of privacy” and
beautiful similes “my
heart was like snow under thin crimson skin”.
Humbert never describes their sexual relations other than vague hints
violent morning in bed”. Paranoia
somewhat sets in after numerous occasions of the pair narrowly
missing being caught.
pair rent a house and Lolita begins attending a private boarding
school. They live a somewhat mundane 'normal' life. Humbert having
chess playing sessions with his neighbour and Lolita involving
herself in acting, tennis and swimming and making friends with the
local girls. Lolita, the budding teenager ends up rebelling against
her 'father figure' and claims he “violates”
her and accuses him of “murdering
her mother”. Protesting
she wants to leave school, they continue their adventures across the
traps Humbert again when he's convinced the red convertible is
following himself and Lolita and making an investigation about the
suspected pair. Lolita unfortunately takes ill in hospital and
'someone' discharges her and Humbert doesn't find her again for
several years when he receives a letter from her. The letter reveals
she's expecting a child and requests a sum of money to help her and
her family along. Humbert successfully tracks her down despite no
address being on the sent letter, he pleads with his love to leave
her partner Dick and “come
to live with me, and to die with me”, on
her decline Humbert almost seems psychotic.
in tow, he murders the man who originally discharged his Lolita from
hospital. Humbert is eventually arrested after deliberately going
against the laws of traffic, driving down the wrong side of the road
and running a red light.
world known classic, Lolita wasn't a novel I expected to enjoy
(considering the nature of the novel being about paedophilia) however
I got drawn in by Nabokov's style of writing, through the frequent
use of poetic language and how some parts could actually resemble
poetry. The progression from “nymphet”
teenage to expectant mother was one of beautiful yet tainted growths,
affected by a childhood of sexual exploitation.
truly remarkable piece of work.