The colouring trend is well and truly in full force, they are everywhere -  in book shops, craft shops and many multi-purpose shops you will most likely find a colouring book. When this trend first began I couldn't believe me - an adult - could enjoy colouring with as much enthusiasm as I did when I was 5. I was wrong. Going out stationery shopping is thrilling, even more so when you have something to colour in. Remember when you were young and you'd colour so carefully as not to go over the lines? The nostalgic feeling of selecting a felt tip pen to use and carefully colouring in those lines is enough to make me run to Tesco and buy all their colouring books. The concept adult colouring saves you the judgemental cashier who witnesses you buying the child's Frozen themed colouring book, it allows you to be a child in a socially acceptable way and I endorse it.

Not only is colouring a bit of fun, it is a proven method of mindfulness and meditation, it de-stresses you and takes you away from anything you might be over-thinking. It is essentially therapy without the need to talk to anybody else.

The two colouring books I've received recently are 365 Days of Colouring - Creative Calm for Every Day of the Year which is my favourite because sometimes with colouring books each page takes a lot of time and sometimes you just need a little break, a little task and this book has a small pattern every day to colour in - beginning on the 1st of January. Yet to start it (Obviously) I feel the method of colouring is more effective because it's a tiny task but nonetheless a task that will give you time to chill out.

The second book I received is Keep Calm and Colour On which is a beautiful collection of geometric, nature and aesthetically pleasing patterns. Keep Calm and Colour On is a special one, each page features a quote from a collection of artists including Pablo Picasso, Mother Teresa and Vincent Van Gogh "I sometimes think there is nothing so delightful as drawing." These quotes are intended to motivate you not just creatively but within your mind, finding happiness in little things like colouring.

So if you don't ever want to grow up (Like Peter Pan) then treat yo' self to a fresh colouring book and a pretty set of pencils and get colouring. What do you think about the colouring trend? What are your favourite colouring books?